ah peng
lucas di
elsia mei
amanda jie
grace yeoh
soon beng
kor kor
swee kee
xin an
mr mok
qi an
ren an
Saturday, August 30, 2008
@ 11:03 PMI have chosen Him To be my Lord and Saviour My strength is found in Him He is my everything I tell you now, my friend My life is given by Him I give my soul, my life, my all To Him, Jesus, my King (: honestly, I do miss those times. |
@ 12:16 AM
meaningful words Before the throne of God above Before the throne of God above I have a strong and perfect plea A great High Priest whose name is Love Who ever lives and pleads for me My name is graven on His hands My name is written on His heart I know that while in heaven He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart No tongue can bid me thence depart When Satan tempts me to despair And tells me of the guilt within Upward I look and see Him there Who made an end of all my sin Because the sinless Savior died My sinful soul is counted free For God the just is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me To look on Him and pardon me Behold Him there the risen Lamb My perfect spotless righteousness The great unchangeable I AM The King of glory and of grace One in Himself I cannot die My soul is purchased by His blood My life is hid with Christ on high With Christ my Savior and my God With Christ my Savior and my God! Somehow, last saturday when we sang this song at YP, the words really stood out to me. I've sung this songs so many times but on that day, it was different. It meant much more. so much more. *I'm only a sinner saved by grace* Anyway, today was teacher's day celebration! :D well.. actually celebrations in AJ are fun, I do enjoy them quite a lot! so ya, but what really made my day was being back in BP, being with the bananas again :D The thought of going back to BP really excited me! since days ago? haha. guess I really miss my secondary school days, the less stressful, more fun days >< the teachers ever so caring and nice. truly commanding our respect. haha yea so let's just say I love my days in BPGHS esp my sec 4 yr and that I thoroughly enjoyed being back there today(: So the bananas finally had a reunion! we had lunch together and after that emmie and ah peng came over to my house (: a pity mor had to leave earlier. well.. after promos! haha. but we sure did enjoy catching up and laughing over silly things xD and ah peng said smth like 你们在我心目中已经占了一个特别的地位,是别人无法取代的。and em went, "that's sweet." indeed, it is(: my friends for life. |
Saturday, August 23, 2008
@ 12:15 AMDo right From the very start Have purpose in your heart To do what's right and never question why Never count the cost though everything seems lost The price for doing right is sometimes high C: Do right till the stars fall Do right till the last call Do right when there's no one else to stand by you Do right when you're all alone Do right though it's never known Do right since you love the Lord Do right, do right Right is always right and wrong is always wrong And we must learn to separate the two If you love the right The Lord will give you light So seek the right in everything you do (Chorus) Doing right is never easy, especially when our heart doesn't want to. It takes a lot of effort to do the right thing but when you finally do it, you feel a burden lifted off your shoulders. It need not be a painless process, but I've done the right thing in the eyes of God and for that, I rejoice(: I gotta stay strong. Lord, please give me the strength to persevere. I pray. Make him strong. In His time. |
Saturday, August 16, 2008
@ 11:13 PMi'm sorry the hardest thing to do is not saying sorry but forgiving myself. |
Monday, August 11, 2008
@ 7:07 PMonly one life twill soon will pass and only what's done for Christ shall last (: |
@ 6:28 PM
bymet outing! Whee! had BYMET outing yesterday! everyone came :D and we even brought our new friend, youmi, who's a korean serving the Lord in Cambodia along! so she came to celebrate liling's birthday too! haha whenever we get tgt we never fail to reminisce the times we had in Cambodia, even if it's just a fraction of the time we spend together that we do that. but with youmi there, we talked a lil more! she shared her experiences with us, talked about her life and all. nice person to talk to (: best thing: no communication barrier at all! heh. jordan and his diarrhoea food xD it was hilarious! we went to the makansutra to eat. had a sumptuous meal! it was yummy x) food food food. haha. we sang liling a birthday song there and we gave her our heart! hee. the people there were so nice! they heard us singing and they came over with ice kacang and cheese fries and said "for the birthday girl, happy birthday!" boy, were we all shocked. we thought the guys actually ordered it but they didnt. heh liling should feel so honoured eh? yup so after eating we decided to do some walking. We went to the esplanade, sightseeing for youmi (: it was rather empty which is kinda nice actually. though i'm not exactly used to it cos the past few times i went there it was crowded to the max. haha. took many many pics but too lazy to upload =X so we walked and talked and laughed. a pity lisa and amos had to leave us early. so i think it was abt 11 we left esplanade. went our separate ways. matt and i got to talk to youmi a lil more cos we sent her home. she's so cute! haha. i'm so glad we walked her back. then matt came home with me. and that marked the end of the day :D hmm maybe i forgot a lil detail.. i talked to ling-a-ling on the phone when i reached home! had a long long talk. it's been some time and i'm glad we did (: haha if you had been too lazy to read all of the above, the main point i'm trying to bring across is: I HAD FUN! :D and i enjoyed catching up with the dear birthday girl. |
Friday, August 8, 2008
@ 12:20 AMclass outing whee! i'm so excited! tmr we'll be having a class outing to sentosa after school :D it's been some time since we left school so early! plus the fact that we wont be having lessons. wahahah. i'm high! cos i'm so tired.. from doing pw. At times i really find it such a waste of time ><> yay(: i'm looking forward to singing to the elderly this sat. i enjoyed the previous experience. seeing their smiles just warms my heart. hee. and after that, our bs leaders have decided that we go to minds cafe. it's quite a nice place but i'm afraid i'll be too busy to go. I hope i can make it! and in the night, it'll be RFG! :D haha that's sat for you. so on sun, i'll be attending morning worship and SS, after that it'll be out with the Kohs! :D yipee. my darling jiayi. haha. then it'll be to gospel then BYMET outing! xD and before i know it, sunday has come to an end. on mon, it's to the zoo! for SL training. the previous round was kinda fun(: yay. with all the many activities planned, there's also the huge amount of homework waiting for me to complete.. shall type them out here to remind myself =X
yea, that's all I have to complete! haha. looks lil but it's A LOT! not forgetting, I've got to start revising for promos! ahh. and now it's bedtime! ((: gdnight people! |
Friday, August 1, 2008
@ 11:28 PMteenager teenager, teenager do the hours you spend each day count for God? for each hour you waste away you will answer for some day but for each hour you live for God He will reward pondered upon the lyrics of this song today and it really made me question myself, how do I spend my time everyday? what do i think of most of the time? undoubtedly, as a student, most of my day is spent in school. studying, studying, studying. thinking about the amount of time i spend studying each day compared to the 20-30mins i spend with my Lord, i really wonder.. am I ready when the Lord comes for me? how am I going to account to Him for all that I've done? or even things i knew i shld have done but didnt do. it's time i think. |